Tools News and Articles

And … Action!

LINUX VOICE: Desktop Design with GTK4 free

A configurable, flexible image processing library

LINUX VOICE: Cornucopia free

Rendering a perfume bottle with Blender

LINUX VOICE: Tutorial – Blender free


An alternative search tool for LibreOffice Writer


AltSearch offers extended functionality to LibreOffice Write's default find and replace tools, making it the ideal for editing and formatting longer documents.

Doas authenticates as a simpler version of Sudo

NEWS: Little Brother free

Simultaneously flashing multiple USB devices

IN-DEPTH: Mass Distribution free

Customizing screen resolutions with xrandr

LINUX VOICE: Screen Makeover free

Fast tools for checking disk utilization

IN-DEPTH: Disk Usage free

Remove unnecessary files with Czkawka

IN-DEPTH: File Diet free


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