

Joe Casad, Editor in Chief

Joe Casad, Editor in Chief

Article from Issue 151/2013

What is the Raspberry Pi really? A trinket? An educational tool? A very inexpensive computer? Of course, it is all these things, but what is the meaning of Raspberry Pi? I’m not the first journalist to ask.

Dear Linux Magazine Reader,

What is the Raspberry Pi really? A trinket? An educational tool? A very inexpensive computer? Of course, it is all these things, but what is the meaning of Raspberry Pi? I'm not the first journalist to ask.

Our culture and our economy is based on competing products with a similar purpose. The products all have features. We shop for the products by looking at the bulleted list of features on the label. The more features, the more people choose the product. Vendors race to develop new technologies so they can add more features, but at a certain point, some consumers just get bewildered and start to shop for fewer features – or at least for a product that brings enough clarity to the sea of features to restore the original purpose.


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