Where In the World Are the Most Debian Developers?

Oct 07, 2009

Christian Perrier (Bubulle) issued statistics in his blog that show which countries of the world have the largest per capita Debian developers. First place goes to Finland.

Bubulle's weblog statistics appeared as a correction to Alexander Reichle-Schmehl's earlier report from August. According to Perrier, the per capita Debian developer rate is highest in Finland (3.93 active developers per million population), followed by Switzerland and Sweden, tied each at a 2.59 active developer rate. Chances are slim of racing ahead of Finland, unless you are Luxembourg and add one more active developer to the existing one to double its 2.03-per-million rate.

On an absolute basis, the U.S. has the highest number of active developers at 214, followed by 172 in Germany. However, the U.S. ranks in 19th place at a 0.7-per-million rate related to its overall population. As Perrier notes, "Germany and Austria are competing very closely, which is probably not a surprise... [and] there is a very tight match between Belgium, Netherlands, France and Ireland."

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  • The tragedy

    Misspelled one word!

    The HORROR!

    Nice article happy
  • German says "Finnland"

    In Germany they say "Finnland".
  • Finnland exists

    > There is no such place as finnland.

    There is if your native language is German. Surely a case of "lost in translation" blunk
  • Re: Spellchecker

    Thanks for the alert, it's been corrected.We'll write a bug report. blunk
  • Finland

    Your firefox spellchecker is broken. There is no such place as finnland.
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