Improved Multi-Threading Performance: Google's Perf Tools Version 1.0

Jan 08, 2009

Google Performance Tools, part of Google's open source projects, is now available in version 1.0. Perf Tools is especially useful for optimizing multi-threaded programs.

Google's Perf Tools has been around for the last four years and now the collection of performance tools has arrived at version 1.0. Protected by the BSD license, the tools enable developers to write more efficient codes. Particularly C++ developers working on multi-threaded implementations should benefit from the new release.

The high performance tools include a very fast malloc, a thread-friendly heap-checker, heap-profiler and cpu-profiler. Developers are concentrating their efforts on further optimization of multi-threading environments with multi processors and they aim to provide better support for Non Uniform Memory Access (NUMA), allowing processors improved memory access.

Perf Tools can be downloaded as RPM and DEB packages or as Tarball from the Google projects website.

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