Programming News and Articles

CeBIT Open Source Project Lounge -- Free Software Foundation Europe

FSFE -- the European Division For the Freedom of Software


The Free Software Foundation Europe is among the 15 projects that will present their work at CeBIT, the European division working for the freedom of software.

CeBIT Open Source Project Lounge -- Mozilla

Mozilla Firefox Browser and Internet


Mozilla is among the 15 projects that will present their work at CeBIT, extremely successful with its open source browser, but it has more to offer.

CeBIT Open Source Project Lounge: Drupal

Drupal -- Content Management


Drupal is among the 15 projects that will present their work at CeBIT, offering content management for all purposes on the web. Additional screenshots show examples for websites built with Drupal.

CeBIT Open Source Project Lounge -- Open Mapi

Open Mapi -- Dedicated to Groupware Interoperability


Open Mapi is among the 15 projects that will present their work at CeBIT, dedicated to groupware interoperability through the API.

CeBIT Open Source Project Lounge -- Scribus

Scribus: Desktop Publishing (DTP) under Linux


Scribus is among the 15 projects that will present their work at CeBIT, offering an professional Desktop Publishing under Linux.

CeBIT Open Source Project Lounge - Deepamehta

Deepamehta - Knowledge Management


Deepamehta is among the 15 projects that will present their work at CeBIT, offering a Java-written platform for knowledge management.

CeBIT Open Source Project Lounge - Amarok

Amarok -- Audio Player


Amarok is among the 15 projects that will present their work at CeBIT, offering an open source audio player.

Clickjacking Threat To Firefox


GlassFish 2.1 Java Application Server Update


Ivy 2.0 Manages Dependencies in Java Projects

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